- “FRAGMENTS of Darfur”, Dewi Lewis Publishing, May. 2013
- "EXPRESSIONS OF LIFE", by Nektarios Markogiannis and Nadia
Todres in partnership with IHI, November 2016
Born in Greece in 1972, Nektarios (Nerris) Markogiannis studied Economics at the University of Essex, Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at the London College of Communication, and History of Photography at the University of St. Andrews. After a successful career in investment banking, and a short academic career in the UK, his passion for photography prevailed and he left the financial services to take up photography. He has worked for the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, taught at Leica Academy in Athens, Greece, collaborated with the FOTOGRAFEVI gallery in Istanbul and his worked has been shown in Los Angeles (Venice Arts, MOPLA), London (Hotshoe Gallery), Barcelona (Pollux Awards), Tampa (FMOPA), New York (UN Secretariat), Nottingham, and Encontros da Imagem in Braga, Portugal, as well as in various publications . He currently woks in the Republic of South Sudan. In 2018 he opened an art gallery in Missolonghi Greece, Tyrvee Gallery, which specializes in contemporary art and photography (
- April 2023 Group: New York Center for Photographic Art "Same but
Different", Juror: Debra Klompching (Klompching Gallery)
- February 2023 Group: f³ – freiraum für fotografie, Belin, Germany.
The BarTur Photo Award is showcasing the 2022 winners
- February 2023 Group: "1st B&W Athens Photography Festival"
- LEICA Fotografie International /BarTur Photo Award: Photojournalist of
the Year 2022. Highly Commended
- September 2022 Encontros da Imagem September 2022
"Home and Away", projection at the Discovery Awards
- January 2022 Solo: "FRAGMENTS of Sudan"
Djanogly Gallery, Nottingham Lakeside Arts
- August 2021 Group: Εκκλησιαστικό Μουσείο Σπετσών,
"HAITI-GREECE, 1821-2021, Voyage to Freedom - RESPECT"
Organized by the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering,
Polytechnic School, University of the Aegean and the Department of
Performing and Digital Arts, School of Fine Arts, University of Peloponnese.
Under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic K.
Sakellaropoulou. Curated by Leda Papaconstantinou
- October 2019 Group: 13th Pollux Awards,
Juried Exhibition, FotoNostrum Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Overall winner in the Singles Documentary/Reportage Category
Finalist in the stories Documentary/Reportage category, "DISPLACED: Home and Away"
- September 2019 Group: Florida Museum of Photographic Arts (FMOPA)
Tampa, Florida, USA
- April 2019 Group: Month of Photography LA (MOPLA)
Juried Exhibition, Lucie Foundation, LA, USA
- March 2019 Lugano PhotoDays
Finalist, Documentary Photography, Lugano, Switzerland
- November 2018 Solo: "In Union there is Strength"
United Nations, Secretariat Building, New York, USA
- October 2019 Group: "Art in Cancer, Cancer in Art", Hellenic Cancer
- January 2018 Solo: "EXPRESSIONS OF LIFE",
Old Municipal Market Gallery, Agrinio, Greece
- January 2018 Solo: "EXPRESSIONS OF LIFE",
Cultural Centre of the Missolonghi Municipality, Greece
- August 2015 Group: "DISASTER IS MY MUSE",
Juried Exhibition, Venice Arts, LA, USA
- January 2013 Solo: "FRAGMENTS of Darfur",
Cultural Centre of the Missolonghi Municipality, Greece (Curator: Ashley
- April 2012 Solo: "FRAGMENTS of Darfur"
(Selection of 20 images) School of Art History Gallery, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, UK (Curator: Ashley Lumb)
- August 2011 Group: FOR JAPAN,
Hotshoe Gallery, London, UK (Curator: Shiho Kito) -
- April 2011 Group: HERE AND NOW
Hotshoe Gallery, London, UK (Curator: Harry Hardie)